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Red Paint Can

House Painting

You can earn money as a part time house painter.
Get paid to paint the neighbors house.

One Day I was painting the side of my house and a teenager walked by and said " I can do that!".

So, needless to say, we struck up a conversation, and within 5 minutes he was up on the ladder with the paintbrush in his hand.

I had other things to do, and I could pay him a reasonable amount of money for his time leaving me to tend to more important matters.

He lived up the street and didn't have a summer job.

I taught him a few basics, and he did a great job in the end.

Opportunity knocks and there you go making a few dollars.

The beauty of it is that you usually can do it in your spare time as long as you finish painting the house in a reasonable amount of days or weeks.

He got paid to do the jobpaint roller

without having any tools or experience.

I wouldn't suggest that you try to earn money by painting tall buildings or places that would put you in peril, but a lot of houses are only about 12 feet high on most sides.

Look at the house and be sure that you have an agreement about how many coats and what is expected as far as scraping old paint and trim etc. paint can bw

Be clear about the details and payment schedule. Get the info about the job on paper, and you'll be better off.

When I was young I painted my uncle Andre's house between other jobs and it paid for my car.

If you have doubts about how to do it, go to the library and read a book or ask an old pro for some tips.

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