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After school Tutor - Homework Helper

InstructorEarn money as a tutor.

Get paid to help a child to learn and to do their homework.

If you are cut out for it, you can be of great value to a child and his or her parents.

There are many stories told of kids who are helped with a little tutoring.
They feel that there is hope, and good reason to try harder in school.

These kids can go on to be successful rather than failures and a drain on society and possibly tenants in state prison.

  The need can be filled at a regular after school meeting.

There you get paid for doing an hour or more of work with a child on a daily basis.

book You can get paid and earn money that at the end of the week will add up to help pay the bills and be of great value to a young person.

Tutoring can fetch as much as $25.00 per hour but more realistically $10. - $12. an hour.

Get it from a family that has the capacity to pay you for your effort.

If the child is a bit older, and you actually have a degree, you can be in a position to get more.

Help With SAT's

Getting into college can be a panic situation for both students and their parents.

A good point to make to a parent is that they are paying you to help guarantee that the child will be prepared for SAT's and they will see the benefit.

If the child is in your neighborhood, it can make more sense as an endeavor.

If you happen to have a background in teaching or as an aide your credibility will be greater.

Perhaps you can take on a few kids after school in your home.

Check if licensing is mandatory for teaching in your home.


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